We specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions that revolutionize industries through advanced robotics technology. Our mission is to streamline processes, increase productivity, and elevate businesses to new heights through the power of automation. Explore our diverse range of services tailored to meet your unique needs.

Custom Machine Builder

Robotic Integration

I-C Automation understands there is more to automating a process than simply adding a robot. We will work with you to examine the entire manufacturing and process flow from receipt of raw materials to shipping of finished product. Contact us for robotic integration solutions.

Industrial Control Systems

I-C Automation provides the complete package when it comes to Automation Control System. Our services include:
- Automation Solutions
- Electrical and Control Panel Design, Fabrication, and Implementation
- Motion Control
- Advanced Process Control
- PLC/PAC Programming
- Robotic Implementation
- Drive Systems
- Safety Systems
- Upgrade and Migration Services
- Machine Control Retrofits

Manufacturing Intelligence

I-C Automation understands there is more to automating a process than simply adding a robot. We will work with you to examine the entire manufacturing and process flow from receipt of raw materials to shipping of finished product. Contact us for robotic integration solutions.
6441 Davis Industrial Parkway
Solon, Ohio, 44139
United States